Ceagro’ s commitment to the preservation of natural resources is covered within all its operations and is consolidated in different actions to avoid and minimize environmental impact.

Through the Integrated Management System, certified by ISO 14001 standards, the company invests, sets goals, and defines monitoring indicators aiming to reduce energy and paper consumption, waste generation, and to promote recycling programs.

Operational activities are guided by specific working instructions that establish procedures to control, for instance, black smoke emission of hired trucks, collection and disposal of pesticide containers used in our warehouses, among others.

Suppliers are also guided and monitored so that their activities cause the least possible impact to the environment. Ceagro, for example, only gets firewood, needed for drying grains, from approved companies able to demonstrate that their wood is not sourced from areas of deforestation.

Beyond the focus on environmental preservation, Ceagro seeks to have a positive participation in society by supporting entities that promote education and job training for the youth. Ceagro has a partnership formed with AssociAção Vida, a non-governmental organization that develops social and educational projects to prepare disadvantaged youth to start their professional life.

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