Ceagro has a relationship with approximately 2,300 Brazilian agricultural producers located in Bahia, Goiás, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul and São Paulo. No producer represents more than 2% of the total annual origination of the company, which seeks to increase this supply base in a balanced and sustainable manner.

Thus, the company developed an innovative business model, which contributes to the growth of agribusiness and gives farmers added security. Ceagro provides a package with all the agricultural inputs necessary for production, such as fertilizers, seeds and pesticides. In exchange, producers provide a portion of the future harvest.

This exchange operation of agricultural inputs and products is known as barter trade. Through this transaction, producers issue a CPR (Cédula de Produto Rural – Rural Product Paper), accepted by banks and other financial institutions that work in agribusiness.

Ceagro’ s competitive edge is to act at all stages of agribusiness, contributing with producers from the planting phase to marketing of the product, forming solid and long lasting partnerships.

Contact us and become a partner with Ceagro.

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